понедельник, 18 февраля 2019 г.

Burtyka alphabet and grammar of the Genetic language.

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On the membrane outside the cell nucleus, an amino acid base is formed from the solution of 10 simplest molecules along the internal imprint of DNA-0. Following the first base, the second is formed,.... The remaining set of simplest molecules complements each base of the amino acid with a radical. The nucleated chain is detached from the membrane, forming the mBep structure (peptide). Above the membrane remains a flat copy of DNA-1, closed by an insulator layer.

           The structuring of amino acids according to the DNA-0 pattern from an aqueous solution of simplest molecules should correspond to the known facts from the crystallization region of solutions, vapor condensation on cooled surfaces and the role of primers in these
processes. A DNA fingerprint is a seed. A similar approach in genetics is closer to molecular theory than urban transport.

           To understand the physics of the structuring of the simplest molecules into amino acids, you must first build a correct physical-metric theory of ice pattern on a frosty glass, taking into account: vapor concentration, glass temperature, their gradients, impurities
of other atoms, interactions of water molecules from different states of aggregation, ... ...



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